The Sanskrit word Bhakti has its root ‘bhaj’. It means to divide, to share, to belong to. Bhakti also means to devotional attachment, faith or love. Shree Ram in Ramcharitramanas has also explained about Navdha Bhakti (nine forms of Bhakti). Shree Krishna in Bhagwat Geeta has expanded four means of salvation viz. Bhakti Yoga (path of devotion), Karma Yoga (Path of selfless actions), Jnana Yoga (Path of knowledge) and Raj Yoga (Path of contemplation & meditation). In chapter 9 & 12 of Bhagwat Geeta, Shree Krishna has explained the characteristics of a Bhakta and Bhakti yoga being means of salvation i.e. spiritual attainment. The relevant verses of Bhagwat Geeta & Ramcharitramanas & purpose of Idol worshipping are given hereunder. Narad Bhakti Sutra has advised to "patiently endure" until the perfection stage manifest. Bhakt should develop qualities such as Ahimsa (Non-violence), Honesty, Cleanliness, Compassion and Faith. A list of devotional attachment is given including the following: attachment to the Lord's qualities 1. attachment to His beauty, 2. attachment to worshiping Him, 3. attachment to remembering Him, 4. attachment to serving Him, 5. attachment to dealing with Him as a friend, 6. attachment to surrendering one's self completely to Him, 7. attachment to being absorbed in thoughts of Him, Narad Sutra says "Anyone who trusts these instructions spoken by Narada and is convinced by them will be blessed with devotion and attain the most dear Lord." Inspired by various commentators on the Vedanta (Ramanujacharya, Nimbarkacharya, Madhavacharya and Vallabhacharya), the Bhakti movement swept India from Tamil Nadu (Alvars) to all parts of India in 6th century to 18th century. It developed around the gods Vishnu &avatars (Vaishnavism), Shiva (Shaivism) and Devi (Shaktism). They sang devotional songs in different “Bhavas” (attitudes) as under: 1. santa, placid love for God; 2. dasya, the attitude of a servant – Hanumanji towards Shree Rama 3. sakhya, the attitude of a friend – Arjun & Shepherd boys towards Shree Krishna 4. vatsalya, the attitude of a mother towards her child – Yashoda towards Shree Krishna 5. madhura, the attitude of a woman towards her lover – Radha towards Shree Krishna Swami Vivekananda has described Bhakti Yoga as "the path of systematized devotion for the attainment of union with the Absolute". According to Ramana Maharishi, Bhakti is surrender to the divine with one's heart. It can be practiced as an adjunct to self-inquiry, and in one of four ways:
Shree Ram in Ramcharitramanas Shree Ram ji has further explained nine forms of Bhakti to Shabri when he visits her ashram in dense forest of south. The description of navdha bhakti is given as under:
अरण्यकांड, 15 वे दोहे के बाद, 4 से 6 चौपाईया मे - एहि कर फल पुनि बिषय बिरागा। तब मम धर्म उपज अनुरागा।। श्रवनादिक नव भक्ति दृढ़ाहीं। मम लीला रति अति मन माहीं।। संत चरन पंकज अति प्रेमा। मन क्रम बचन भजन दृढ़ नेमा।। गुरु पितु मातु बंधु पति देवा। सब मोहि कहँ जाने दृढ़ सेवा।। मम गुन गावत पुलक सरीरा। गदगद गिरा नयन बह नीरा।। काम आदि मद दंभ न जाकें। तात निरंतर बस मैं ताकें।। अरण्यकांड, 34 वे दोहे के बाद, 4 चौपाई मे, 35 दोहा, 35 वे दोहे के बाद, 1 से 4 चौपाईया मे - नवधा भगति कहउँ तोहि पाहीं। सावधान सुनु धरु मन माहीं।। प्रथम भगति संतन्ह कर संगा। दूसरि रति मम कथा प्रसंगा।। गुर पद पंकज सेवा तीसरि भगति अमान। चौथि भगति मम गुन गन करइ कपट तजि गान।।35।। मंत्र जाप मम दृढ़ बिस्वासा। पंचम भजन सो बेद प्रकासा।। छठ दम सील बिरति बहु करमा। निरत निरंतर सज्जन धरमा।। सातवँ सम मोहि मय जग देखा। मोतें संत अधिक करि लेखा।। आठवँ जथालाभ संतोषा। सपनेहुँ नहिं देखइ परदोषा।। नवम सरल सब सन छलहीना। मम भरोस हियँ हरष न दीना।। नव महुँ एकउ जिन्ह के होई। नारि पुरुष सचराचर कोई।। सोइ अतिसय प्रिय भामिनि मोरे। सकल प्रकार भगति दृढ़ तोरें।। जोगि बृंद दुरलभ गति जोई। तो कहुँ आजु सुलभ भइ सोई।। मम दरसन फल परम अनूपा। जीव पाव निज सहज सरूपा।। जनकसुता कइ सुधि भामिनी। जानहि कहु करिबरगामिनी।। पंपा सरहि जाहु रघुराई। तहँ होइहि सुग्रीव मिताई।। सो सब कहिहि देव रघुबीरा। जानतहूँ पूछहु मतिधीरा।। बार बार प्रभु पद सिरु नाई। प्रेम सहित सब कथा सुनाई।। Shree Krishna in Bhagwat Geeta Bhagwat geeta (verse 29 chapter 9) - समोऽहं सर्वभूतेषु न मे द्वेष्योऽस्ति न प्रियः । ये भजन्ति तु मां भक्त्या मयि ते तेषु चाप्यहम् ॥ i.e. I am pervading in all living beings, no one is liked or disliked by me, but the devotees who revere me with love, they are in me, and I also manifest in them. Bhagwat geeta (verse 34 chapter 9) - मन्मना भव मद्भक्तो मद्याजी मां नमस्कुरु । मामेवैष्यसि युक्त्वैवमात्मानं मत्परायण: ॥ i.e. Think of me, be my devotee, worship me, revere me. In this way, by surrendering soul to me, you will receive me. Bhagwat geeta (verse 3-4 chapter 12) - ये त्वक्षरमनिर्देश्यमव्यक्तं पर्युपासते। सर्वत्रगमचिन्त्यं च कूटस्थमचलं ध्रुवम् ॥ सन्नियम्येन्द्रियग्रामं सर्वत्र समबुद्धयः । ते प्राप्नुवन्ति मामेव सर्वभूतहिते रताः ॥ i.e.Those people who control the senses and meditate the omnipresent, inexplicable, unchangeable, formless, indestructible, truthful and eternal identity, inwardly and find pleasure in this. Also they are involved in the best interests of the living beings and treat equally to all. Such people are blessed and reach me. Bhagwat geeta (verse 13-14 chapter 12) - अद्वेष्टा सर्वभूतानां मैत्रः करुण एव च । निर्ममो निरहङ्कारः समदुःखसुखः क्षमी ॥ संतुष्टः सततं योगी यतात्मा दृढ़निश्चयः। मय्यर्पितमनोबुद्धिर्यो मद्भक्तः स मे प्रियः॥ i.e.The person who is devoid of malice & ego, without selfishness & attachment, affectionate and compassionate and is steady in happiness and misery & forgiving, that is, to assure safety to those who commit crimes, and the yogi who is continually satisfied, is in control of the body, mind and the senses and is firmly determined in me and is devotee to me, he is affectionate to me. Bhagwat geeta (verse 18 chapter 12) - समः शत्रौ च मित्रे च तथा मानापमानयोः। शीतोष्णसुखदुःखेषु समः सङ्गविवर्जितः॥ i.e. Who treat equally to friends & foes, steady in humiliation & respect, hot & cold and pleasures & pains and is free from attachment. Bhagwat geeta (verse 19 chapter 12) - तुल्यनिन्दास्तुतिर्मौनी सन्तुष्टो येन केनचित्।अनिकेतः स्थिरमतिर्भक्तिमान्मे प्रियो नरः॥ i.e. Who is steady in criticism, contemplative, and who is contented with his life and who is devoid of attachment, such steady minded & devoted person is dear to me. Bhagwat geeta (verse 20 chapter 12) - ये तु धर्म्यामृतमिदं यथोक्तं पर्युपासते। श्रद्धाना मत्परमा भक्तास्तेऽतीव मे प्रियाः॥ i.e. But the person who is full of reverence (Vedas, the scriptures, the Mahatma and the Guru's name and the direct faith of God in the words of the word is reverence) and who follow my advices unselfishly with love & affection, is most dear to me. Bhagwat geeta (verse 26 chapter 14) - मां च योऽव्यभिचारेण भक्तियोगेन सेवते । स गुणान्समतीत्येतान्ब्रह्मभूयाय कल्पते ॥ i.e Person who is chaste and is full of devotion (i.e. who think that there is only one omnipotent God, Vasudeva, who has abandoned selfishness and pride and continuing to meditate with absolute love and reverence, are called 'Avyabhikari Bhaktiyog'), and continuously worship me, overcome selfishness, pride & unchaste, attain truth, bliss and me. Idol worshipping -why
Shree Ram ji has further explained nine forms of Bhakti to Shabri when he visits her ashram in dense forest of south. The description of navdha bhakti is given as under:
अरण्यकांड, 15 वे दोहे के बाद, 4 से 6 चौपाईया मे - एहि कर फल पुनि बिषय बिरागा। तब मम धर्म उपज अनुरागा।। श्रवनादिक नव भक्ति दृढ़ाहीं। मम लीला रति अति मन माहीं।। संत चरन पंकज अति प्रेमा। मन क्रम बचन भजन दृढ़ नेमा।। गुरु पितु मातु बंधु पति देवा। सब मोहि कहँ जाने दृढ़ सेवा।। मम गुन गावत पुलक सरीरा। गदगद गिरा नयन बह नीरा।। काम आदि मद दंभ न जाकें। तात निरंतर बस मैं ताकें।। अरण्यकांड, 34 वे दोहे के बाद, 4 चौपाई मे, 35 दोहा, 35 वे दोहे के बाद, 1 से 4 चौपाईया मे - नवधा भगति कहउँ तोहि पाहीं। सावधान सुनु धरु मन माहीं।। प्रथम भगति संतन्ह कर संगा। दूसरि रति मम कथा प्रसंगा।। गुर पद पंकज सेवा तीसरि भगति अमान। चौथि भगति मम गुन गन करइ कपट तजि गान।।35।। मंत्र जाप मम दृढ़ बिस्वासा। पंचम भजन सो बेद प्रकासा।। छठ दम सील बिरति बहु करमा। निरत निरंतर सज्जन धरमा।। सातवँ सम मोहि मय जग देखा। मोतें संत अधिक करि लेखा।। आठवँ जथालाभ संतोषा। सपनेहुँ नहिं देखइ परदोषा।। नवम सरल सब सन छलहीना। मम भरोस हियँ हरष न दीना।। नव महुँ एकउ जिन्ह के होई। नारि पुरुष सचराचर कोई।। सोइ अतिसय प्रिय भामिनि मोरे। सकल प्रकार भगति दृढ़ तोरें।। जोगि बृंद दुरलभ गति जोई। तो कहुँ आजु सुलभ भइ सोई।। मम दरसन फल परम अनूपा। जीव पाव निज सहज सरूपा।। जनकसुता कइ सुधि भामिनी। जानहि कहु करिबरगामिनी।। पंपा सरहि जाहु रघुराई। तहँ होइहि सुग्रीव मिताई।। सो सब कहिहि देव रघुबीरा। जानतहूँ पूछहु मतिधीरा।। बार बार प्रभु पद सिरु नाई। प्रेम सहित सब कथा सुनाई।। Shree Krishna in Bhagwat Geeta Bhagwat geeta (verse 29 chapter 9) - समोऽहं सर्वभूतेषु न मे द्वेष्योऽस्ति न प्रियः । ये भजन्ति तु मां भक्त्या मयि ते तेषु चाप्यहम् ॥ i.e. I am pervading in all living beings, no one is liked or disliked by me, but the devotees who revere me with love, they are in me, and I also manifest in them. Bhagwat geeta (verse 34 chapter 9) - मन्मना भव मद्भक्तो मद्याजी मां नमस्कुरु । मामेवैष्यसि युक्त्वैवमात्मानं मत्परायण: ॥ i.e. Think of me, be my devotee, worship me, revere me. In this way, by surrendering soul to me, you will receive me. Bhagwat geeta (verse 3-4 chapter 12) - ये त्वक्षरमनिर्देश्यमव्यक्तं पर्युपासते। सर्वत्रगमचिन्त्यं च कूटस्थमचलं ध्रुवम् ॥ सन्नियम्येन्द्रियग्रामं सर्वत्र समबुद्धयः । ते प्राप्नुवन्ति मामेव सर्वभूतहिते रताः ॥ i.e.Those people who control the senses and meditate the omnipresent, inexplicable, unchangeable, formless, indestructible, truthful and eternal identity, inwardly and find pleasure in this. Also they are involved in the best interests of the living beings and treat equally to all. Such people are blessed and reach me. Bhagwat geeta (verse 13-14 chapter 12) - अद्वेष्टा सर्वभूतानां मैत्रः करुण एव च । निर्ममो निरहङ्कारः समदुःखसुखः क्षमी ॥ संतुष्टः सततं योगी यतात्मा दृढ़निश्चयः। मय्यर्पितमनोबुद्धिर्यो मद्भक्तः स मे प्रियः॥ i.e.The person who is devoid of malice & ego, without selfishness & attachment, affectionate and compassionate and is steady in happiness and misery & forgiving, that is, to assure safety to those who commit crimes, and the yogi who is continually satisfied, is in control of the body, mind and the senses and is firmly determined in me and is devotee to me, he is affectionate to me. Bhagwat geeta (verse 18 chapter 12) - समः शत्रौ च मित्रे च तथा मानापमानयोः। शीतोष्णसुखदुःखेषु समः सङ्गविवर्जितः॥ i.e. Who treat equally to friends & foes, steady in humiliation & respect, hot & cold and pleasures & pains and is free from attachment. Bhagwat geeta (verse 19 chapter 12) - तुल्यनिन्दास्तुतिर्मौनी सन्तुष्टो येन केनचित्।अनिकेतः स्थिरमतिर्भक्तिमान्मे प्रियो नरः॥ i.e. Who is steady in criticism, contemplative, and who is contented with his life and who is devoid of attachment, such steady minded & devoted person is dear to me. Bhagwat geeta (verse 20 chapter 12) - ये तु धर्म्यामृतमिदं यथोक्तं पर्युपासते। श्रद्धाना मत्परमा भक्तास्तेऽतीव मे प्रियाः॥ i.e. But the person who is full of reverence (Vedas, the scriptures, the Mahatma and the Guru's name and the direct faith of God in the words of the word is reverence) and who follow my advices unselfishly with love & affection, is most dear to me. Bhagwat geeta (verse 26 chapter 14) - मां च योऽव्यभिचारेण भक्तियोगेन सेवते । स गुणान्समतीत्येतान्ब्रह्मभूयाय कल्पते ॥ i.e Person who is chaste and is full of devotion (i.e. who think that there is only one omnipotent God, Vasudeva, who has abandoned selfishness and pride and continuing to meditate with absolute love and reverence, are called 'Avyabhikari Bhaktiyog'), and continuously worship me, overcome selfishness, pride & unchaste, attain truth, bliss and me. Idol worshipping -why
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