The Path of Moksha - Ashtavakra Gita
In Bhagavad Gita, Shree Krishna made discourse on four paths of salvation to Arjuna during Mahabharata. These four paths of spiritual realization are based on the premise that people are born with different temperaments and tendencies. The four paths are knowledge (jnana yoga), the path of devotion (bhakti yoga), the path of action (karma yoga), and the path of meditation (raja yoga). Sufi-saints have also defined four stages viz. shariyat, tarifat, marifat and hakikat. Shariyat means following methods-preparations, rules-regulations, system-procedures, self-control, remedies etc. Tarifat means ego is lost, performance is stopped. Marifat means experience of consciousness but duality remains. Hakikat means only consciousness remains. Liberated person experiences consciousness everywhere. Hence, he neither criticise, nor praise, nor excited, nor angry, nor acquire, nor reject. He lives naturally Sri Ashtavakra says, modern amenities and instruments are invented by human being with great efforts and research. Likewise, people are making efforts such as japa, tapa, yoga, sadhana, hath yoga, mantra sadhana, worship etc. to find almighty. But almighty is inside each one. Only requirement is to clear the mind. Doer-ship or ego develops stress of expectations. Non-fulfilment of expectations causes miseries. Ego and almighty, both cannot remain together. Once “I am-ness” dropped, almighty remains. The opposites (violence-non-violence, compassion-cruelty, politeness-harshness, humility-pride etc.) appear till duality. When entire universe appears as one consciousness, opposites disappear. Sri Ashtavakra has preferred the spiritual wisdom as a path of moksha. He explained the paths as under:
February 2025
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