Rigveda – Mandala 1, Sukta – 32
We shall discuss the hymns, Sukta wise & Mandala wise. Our focus is on the implicit meaning of the various hymns instead of literal translations of the hymns. These purported meanings are based primarily on the English translations by Swami Dharmanand Saraswati of the works done by Swami Dayanand Saraswati. Highlights – Everyone should discharge their duties in the same manner as the Sun does. Sun, without stopping does his duties of providing heat, light, rain etc. to the earth and make the life to survive. Similarly, the persons in power should protect the righteous people under their protection and to destroy enemies. The hymn wise, purported explanations – Mandala 1 – Sukta – 32
We shall discuss the hymns, Sukta wise & Mandala wise. Our focus is on the implicit meaning of the various hymns instead of literal translations of the hymns. These purported meanings are based primarily on the English translations by Swami Dharmanand Saraswati of the works done by Swami Dayanand Saraswati.
Highlights - Sukta 31 prescribes the duties of the king or heads. They should always preserve and guard all lawful people. As a father protects, maintains, educates and gives necessary wealth to his children, in the same manner, a king should protect all his subjects and by proper and just distribution of wealth, according to their actions should reward and punish the people under him. God establishes those persons in Dharma (righteousness) who want to give up un-righteousness and observe the rules of righteousness and protects those who want to wage righteous war and acquire wealth with righteous means. The previous & present birth, the knowledge and the association of Acharya (preceptor) constitute one’s birth. When men sincerely desire to get the true path, then God creates in them love and desire to know the Truth from the association with noble persons. Those people of benevolent nature who being industrious are engaged in making others happy and performing Yajnas, are like the sun which gives happiness to all by its light. The hymn wise, purported explanations – Mandala 1 – Sukta – 31
We shall discuss the hymns, Sukta wise & Mandala wise. Our focus is on the implicit meaning of the various hymns instead of literal translations of the hymns. These purported meanings are based primarily on the English translations by Swami Dharmanand Saraswati of the works done by Swami Dayanand Saraswati.
Highlights - Sukta 30 of Mandala 1 stresses on the need of using the fire and water to derive happiness by knowing science behind their usage & using them in various machines and modes of conveyance. By knowledge and industriousness all can be accomplished. No one can attain true knowledge without the teachings or sermons given by enlightened persons. The worship of God fulfils all the desires of righteous persons. According to the injunctions of the Vedas, young men and women should marry with mutual consent and of their own accord. After marriage, they should respect each other and should discharge their duties jointly. All should be firm in your noble virtues, rules and regulations. The person who does not waste time in vain in routine, all his time is the one which accomplishes all the works. The hymn wise, purported explanations – Mandala 1 – Sukta – 30
We shall discuss the hymns, Sukta wise & Mandala wise. Our focus is on the implicit meaning of the various hymns instead of literal translations of the hymns. These purported meanings are based primarily on the English translations by Swami Dharmanand Saraswati of the works done by Swami Dayanand Saraswati.
Highlights - Righteous and learned, cause happiness by doing agreeable noble deeds. Learned persons are worshipped and they tell the means of attaining long life. The learned man acquires the knowledge or all sciences. In this world, there are three kinds of enjoyments, worlds and men which may be classified as the high, medium and low. A wise man should impart knowledge to all according to the level of their understanding and intellect. Men should accomplish the works for happiness of self and others with the assistance of learned persons. He should learn attributes & properties of all the objects to accomplish the works. For attaining happiness, men should give up attachment and jealousy. The officers of the state, should have two kinds of army, one mounted on cars and carriages and the other on foot. The armies should be trained well and made healthy and strong by proper use of the herbs and drugs (when necessary). Men should keep away or remove the laziness of the body and the soul and should always endeavour to do noble deeds. The persons in power or who occupies the seat of justice should give due punish to the persons of stupid, adulterous and those who submit false and unjust evidence. The hymn wise, purported explanations – Mandala 1 – Sukta – 26
Mandala 1 – Sukta – 27
Mandala 1 – Sukta – 28
Mandala 1 – Sukta – 29
We shall discuss the hymns, Sukta wise & Mandala wise. Our focus is on the implicit meaning of the various hymns instead of literal translations of the hymns. These purported meanings are based primarily on the English translations by Swami Dharmanand Saraswati of the works done by Swami Dayanand Saraswati.
Highlights - The hymns in these Suktas praise the glory of eternal, immortal, perfect, omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient Supreme Being. The Supreme Being gives fruits of actions done by the souls and send back souls to earth, thus mentions about re-birth system. God give misery to an unrighteous person censuring other unjustly and happiness and knowledge to him who conducts himself according to the injunctions of Dharma. No one's sins can be destroyed without reaping the consequences. Sun, Varuna, Prajapati, Savita and Indra are the attributes of God. Omniscient God is the Innermost Spirit of all and reveals the pure light, dispels the ignorance of the righteous persons. Everyone should adore God and obey the commands of God as given in Vedas. Men should know thoroughly the properties of all the substances created by God and knowing their properties, one should continuously increase his life by taking help from Him. Haughty persons who are of violent and malicious nature, cannot know the attributes of God and wise men on account of their ignorance. They cannot derive benefit from them. Therefore, men should try to imbibe and follow the merits, actions and nature of God and wise men. It is not possible to know God with the help of the arts and sciences without personal contact in the form of questions and answers with the learned persons of forgiving sweet nature, therefore men should always acquire such knowledge with the assistance of the wise. The hymn wise, purported explanations – Mandala 1 – Sukta – 24
Mandala 1 – Sukta – 25
We shall discuss the hymns, Sukta wise & Mandala wise. Our focus is on the implicit meaning of the various hymns instead of literal translations of the hymns. These purported meanings are based primarily on the English translations by Swami Dharmanand Saraswati of the works done by Swami Dayanand Saraswati.
Highlights - These hymns stress on the need to know the properties of air, water and fire to best utilize for the benefits of mankind. Learned persons or scientists should build aero planes and other conveyances with the earth and other elements and by the combination and use of the water and air in the machines, should travel on earth, in the ocean and sky. It is emphasized that men should adore that Omnipresent God only Who made this world in three ways i.e. (1) This visible earth without light (2) invisible subtle world in the form of atoms etc. (3) Shining solar world. He made the form of the universe that can be logically known in the firmament. Righteous, wise, active learned devotees of God see within their own spotless souls with pure knowledge the All-pervading Blissful State of God who is Omnipresent and All-bliss. Those people who leave the sleep of ignorance and unrighteousness and wake up in the pursuit of knowledge and righteousness, they only attain the all-pervasive Vishnu i.e. God, who is perfect in all respects in the form of Sacchidananda. These Vedic hymns convey Karma and re-birth principles. Whatever good or evil, merit or sin is done by people, they get the fruit of the same under the dispensation of God's Justice. All beings get the fruit of their actions through air, water, fire and other elements in previous as well as in the present life. They also know that the good or bad actions done by them are the cause of their birth. Therefore, they should always keep company with such enlightened persons and have communion with God. The hymn wise, purported explanations – Mandala 1 – Sukta – 21
Mandala 1 – Sukta – 23
We shall discuss the hymns, Sukta wise & Mandala wise. Our focus is on the implicit meaning of the various hymns instead of literal translations of the hymns. These purported meanings are based primarily on the English translations by Swami Dharmanand Saraswati of the works done by Swami Dayanand Saraswati.
Highlights - Swami Dayananda Saraswati has refuted the claims of Sayanacharya, Prof. Wilson and Griffith that Indra and Varuna are mythological Gods dwelling in heaven. Indra and Varuna are attributes of the almighty in the form of Agni (fire, energy, light, electricity etc.) and water respectively. He explained that the stories that are sometimes found in the Vedas are symbolical. The Vedic hymns are symbolic and it stresses on righteousness, company of meritorious persons, yajna, yoga & meditation. Such persons get intellect, happiness and progress. Those wise persons who with their scientific knowledge and with their words, make subtle the attributes of movement and maintenance and for the attainment of prosperity, perform various Yajnas in the form of industrious works, enjoy happiness and prosper. These mandalas explains that men should give up laziness, perform good deeds, and have association with learned persons, so that ignorance and poverty may be rooted out. When the men use the fire, electricity, air and water in machines in methodical manner, the machines of conveyance are formed which gives abundant happiness. One should learn the properties of the air, electricity, sun, Soma etc. to acquire happiness. Further, the doctrine of Re-birth is enunciated. Whatever kinds of actions are performed by men, they get the same kinds of birth and enjoyment in the next. The hymn wise, purported explanations – Mandala 1 – Sukta – 17
Mandala 1 – Sukta – 18
Mandala 1 – Sukta – 19
Mandala 1 – Sukta – 20
We shall discuss the hymns, Sukta wise & Mandala wise. Our focus is on the implicit meaning of the various hymns instead of literal translations of the hymns. These purported meanings are based primarily on the English translations by Swami Dharmanand Saraswati of the works done by Swami Dayanand Saraswati.
Highlights – In Mandala 1, Sukta 13 to 16 highlight importance of fire and water. Fire in different forms such as electricity etc. are source of happiness. Fire purifies water and air to generate various juices, knowledge, wisdom and preserves bodies and strength of people. Fire can be used in many mechanical devices becomes fit to travel on earth, water and the sky. The fire becomes the conveyer of divine attributes and happiness when its properties are properly known. It is electricity and lightning etc. that take the water away and bring it down in the form of rain. With the help of wire or telegram, electricity takes sound to distant countries. This electricity is the subtle form of fire. It pervades and upholds all the particles or gross forms and disintegrates them. The visible fire is originated from it and dissolves in it at the end. Agni is considered the mouth of the gods and goddesses and the medium that conveys offerings to them in a homa. In a properly performed sacrifice, seven flames of the fire are supposed to shoot up, not just one or two. The hungry fire will lap up in seven tongues, and the seven tongues have their own names. Mundaka Upanishad (2.4) mentioned the seven tongues of Agni as kali, karali, manojava, sulohita, sudhamravarṇa, sphulingini and visvaruci. Agni himself rises up to receive our offering and take us to the gods so that, in their satisfaction, they lift us up to the abode of the gods. It is the sun that divides the Time into the year, season, month, fortnight, days and nights and so on. One should try to establish three divine virtues at every house (1) An admirable speech which is used for study and teaching (2) the speech possessing various kinds of knowledge and expressed in the form of sermons and (3) `policy which is to be admired and revered everywhere and which cannot be condemned by wrong arguments. Men should unite two-fold action with every object, first to know its properties and second to accomplish from them some purpose and also thank to the God who made all this. When men utilize properly all articles made by the combination of the earth and the water etc., they become stimulators of digestive power and by keeping diseases away increase strength, intellect and wisdom and illuminate or reveal divine attributes. It is through His power that God fulfils the desires of all industrious and righteous persons according to their actions. Because God gives happiness to all beings by creating all good things. Men should acquire knowledge, do good deeds and should perform Yajnas etc. in every house thoughtfully. They should invite scholars to learn knowledge and art sitting at their feet. The hymn wise, purported explanations – Mandala 1 – Sukta – 13
Mandala 1 – Sukta – 16
We shall discuss the hymns, Sukta wise & Mandala wise. Our focus is on the implicit meaning of the various hymns instead of literal translations of the hymns. These purported meanings are based primarily on the English translations by Swami Dharmanand Saraswati of the works done by Swami Dayanand Saraswati. Highlights – These hymns inform that the God is present in every atom and give protection to one and all. Like Sun, it is duty of learned persons to propagate knowledge and spread happiness to others. All men should engage themselves in learning art and industry after studying various sciences. Vedas being revealed by almighty, are the greatest source of knowledge about God, soul, matter etc. Everyone should work hard to acquire this knowledge from Vedas. He, who pervades excellent virtues, surrenders his grand most power and delights, becomes fortunate. The sun breaks into pieces the solid cloud by his rays and makes it fall down upon the earth. It is by the gravitation of the sun that the earth and other worlds regularly rotate in their circumference by which are made the season and day and night etc. Fire transports the atomized objects done in the yajna to space and is the reason for the attainment of the best. The fire, which is thus combined with substances having fragrance, etc., removes all the bad odours and is pleasing to all, should be put to good use. The fire in the form of electricity which is present in all articles, illumines the sun and this material fire and they disappear in it, at the end in subtle form. If men know the properties of these two fires (the material and the sun) and utilize them properly, many works, may be accomplished and much happiness may be derived from them. Persons should utilise the fire (visible and invisible in the form of electricity) for the accomplishment of various arts and industries and enjoy desirable happiness yourselves and help others also to do so. Those men, who with love to listen the praises of God, the promulgator of the truth for living beings, the preachers of knowledge, they become enlightened after attaining complete happiness. God commands that the men should take shelter in the righteous person, give charity of fearlessness or harmlessness, overthrow the enemies by using all legitimate means and producing excellent things to the living beings. The hymn wise, purported explanations – Mandala 1 – Sukta - 9
Mandala 1 – Sukta – 12
We shall discuss the hymns, Sukta wise & Mandala wise. Our focus is on the implicit meaning of the various hymns instead of literal translations of the hymns. These purported meanings are based primarily on the English translations by Swami Dharmanand Saraswati of the works done by Swami Dayanand Saraswati.
Highlights – These mandalas stress on importance of Vedic Chants, singing glory of God and actions needed for happiness. Vedic Chants of praise and hymns magnify the power, speech full of wisdom and truth. When the men exert themselves diligently & optimistically and do good to others, it increases wealth and happiness. Men should rise up early in the morning, try to acquire knowledge and perform yajna with the pure articles. This brings about happiness & vitality, purify air and eradicate diseases. Truthfulness, knowledge and observance of Vedic guidelines dispel all the darkness of his ignorance and nourishes both body & soul. The hymn wise, purported explanations – Mandala 1 – Sukta - 5
Mandala 1 – Sukta - 8
February 2025
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