Ashtavakra Gita – Spiritual Experience of Raja Janaka
Sri Ashtavakra described Raja Janaka about various aspects of body, ego, mind, soul, almighty and liberation. Raja Janaka being highly detached from worldly desires and was competent for spiritual enlightenment, experienced instantaneously the spiritual experience. Enlightened guru says, “अयमात्मा ब्रह्म” means jivatma is brahman (parmatma). After enlightenment, disciple says, “अहं ब्रह्मास्मि” means brahman is omnipresent and jivatma is little knower and at one place. When the difference between jivatma and parmatma disappears, the state is moksha. In moksha, liberated person becomes free, without aspiration and bondage. Sri Ashtavakra examines the validity of his spiritual experience of Raja Janaka. Raja Janaka explains about the different aspects after attaining the spiritual experience in various chapters which are as under: Chapter – 2: On realisation, Brahman & Jivatma:-
Chapter – 4: Enlightened Person & World:- Enlightened person drops ego, due to this his actions are natural and without stress, without aspiring for its fruits. He treats the world as play or dream. Chapter – 5: State of Spiritual Enlightenment:- After attaining spiritual enlightenment, one realises that he is eternal jivatma and there is nobody else. So nothing can be renounced. Only thing, one can drop is pride of body which is biggest bondage. Dropping of it leads to moksha. Pleasure-pain is attributes of mind, hope-despair is attributes of chit, and life-death is attributes of body. But one is pure & eternal jivatma which is only witness. Chapter – 6: State pf Moksha:- The person neither desires to acquire anything, nor want to renounce anything, nor have attachment, nor have detachment, nor have fondness, nor has dispassion, nor feels life, nor moksha, in that state of void and waking, only consciousness remains. Once that state is attained, all efforts such as dharna dhayan, meditation etc. becomes useless. Chapter – 7: Role of Senses of perception:- All restlessness is due to mind. Desires, lust, better position, need of more wealth, expectations, need for respect, need of moksha etc. are attributes of mind. All these efforts create restlessness. As ripples and waves rises in ocean, likewise these develop in mind but die down without damaging anything in enlightened person. Senses of perception and mind are always attracted towards sense objects and are satisfied through senses of actions. When senses of actions are not remaining, these attractions continue in subtle form which leads to re-birth. Chapter – 12: Process for Spiritual wisdom:- Practice and dispassion are essential for spiritual wisdom. Sri Janak says, first I restraint bodily actions, then speech actions; later mind actions. Like this, I was made available to spiritual wisdom. One should ignore bodily actions, speech actions & mind actions and become observer. All actions are carried out naturally.
Chapter – 13: Pains & Actions:
Chapter – 14: Enlightened Person & Future Actions:
Chapter – 19: Experience of Jivatma:-
Chapter – 20: Concept of Advaita:
Raja Janaka has explained the spiritual experience of realisation of Brahaman, Jivatma & Universe in the following chapters and verses (the respective verses and chapters in Sanskrit are mentioned in the end):
January 2025
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