It is an important question, why at all any religion required in the life. In fact, all the human beings work at three levels – physical body, mind and soul which require different recipes in life. Physical body is hardware in terms of computer. Physical world provides various opportunities to work on physically. Mind is software to think, to decide and directs the physical body to act upon. Knowledge acquired, intellectual ability, analytical power, innovative thinking etc. are food for mind. Peace, pleasure, purity etc. are the requirements of soul. Religion should be applicable, capable and most practical guide to lead most peaceful and joyful life. Hence, the basic requirements from any religion are:
Can any religion codified centuries and centuries ago be applicable, capable and practical guide in modern times? Then, how can it bring ultimate happiness and peace. Whether Hinduism is organic: Hinduism, the mother of so many religions, is not only beautiful but bountiful. Unlike other religions, Hinduism has a series of prophets and a bouquet of incarnations of God. It has so many acclaimed religious books, so many holy places to visit and a large number of realized saints; as against other religions which have limited options. This is because, Hinduism has pretty long organic growth and provided solutions to different problems and challenges faced by different civilizations. India has been spiritual homeland where saints, seers, avtaras and siddhas appear as such it is the homeland of religions and spirituality. The sages, seers, siddhas and incarnations appeared in Bharat, not only codified the best instructions to live life happily and peacefully but also taught the ideal decisions to be taken in practical situations through their life stories. Historical events expounded in Mahabharata and Ramayana, in particular are still relevant in modern times. Whether Hinduism brings ultimate peace happiness and peace: The wisdom of Hinduism is for self-realization and self-experience rather than for only bookish knowledge gained from religious books directly by you or through others. Holy books & spiritual teachers are great and big aid to self-development. But Hinduism provides various paths for self-realization to suit the nature of person. Some persons are highly practical and work oriented, some are emotional, some people are highly intellectual and some are intutive, four paths of self-realization, peace and happiness – karma yoga, bhakti yoga, jnana yoga and raja yoga respectively are provided in Hinduism. Upanishads, Shrimad Bhagavat Gita and other scriptures explain minutely all the facets of these four paths. During the course of its developments, Hinduism inculcated among the followers’ great qualities such as patience, harmony, respect for faiths of other people, etc. the focus of Hinduism has been to realize the divinity in people and that process to suppress, nay surpass, the lower human instincts and to recognize the brotherhood of humans and in fact the unity of all life. The maladies of many religions such as religious conversions, intolerance, expansionism etc. are non-existent in Hinduism. Swami Vivekananda experimented and realized that life itself is suffering, that suffering has a cause, that suffering can be removed and there is a way to remove suffering. Ignorance and desires are the cause which can be removed by prajna or intuitive wisdom. The eradication of cause of suffering, bring eternal happiness or bliss. So, heaven (ecstasy or bliss) can be realized in this lifetime, as per Hinduism unlike many religions which claim heaven or hell is at distant place, somewhere in sky. Thus, Hinduism is more realistic and practical. Great tenets of Hinduism: The real word for Hinduism is ‘Sanatana dharma’. ‘Sanatana’ is that which is permanent in nature and ‘dharma’ is that which holds the society together. It means the code of conduct which holds for all times for social harmony and integration. Although in Hinduism a number of deities cater the spiritual & material need of the devotees, yet it proclaims unity of consciousness, Oneness of existence and declares, “There is only one reality of truth. That is Brahman or Pramatama. It is “One without a second.” Names and forms are but appearances. Sometimes it is said that Hinduism is not a religion but a way of life. It means that Hinduism is not like other religions. In other religions, there is only one book and one belief system about God, heaven and the devil. Hinduism has a number of belief systems under the umbrella of one single philosophy. Hinduism was not propounded by a single prophet. It did not originate in troubled times. Hinduism can be explained as under:
Swami Vivekanada, the Hindu monk of India, during his address at world Parliament of religions at Chicago in September, 1893 explained the Hinduism as under:
Swami Chinmayanandaji was a renowned saint. Once, a 'secular' minded journalist, who generally showed Hinduism in poor light, asked a question to Swamiji: Q: Who is the founder of Islam? A: Prophet Mohammad. Q: Who is the founder of Christianity? A: Jesus Christ. Q: Who is the founder of Hinduism? Thinking that Swamiji has no answer, the lady journalist proceeded: There is no founder and hence, Hinduism is not a religion or Dharma at all. A: Then, Swamiji said: You are right. Hinduism is not a religion. It is a Science. She did not understand that. Swamiji put some more questions to her. Q: Who is the founder of Physics? A: No one person. Q: Who is the founder of Chemistry? A: No one person. Q: Who is the founder of Biology? A: No single person. A large number of persons, from time to time, contributed to the wealth of knowledge of any Science. Swamiji continued: Hindu Dharma is a Science, developed over the centuries, contributed by saints and sages for giving right direction to the society. Islam has only one book -Quran. Christianity has only one book -Bible. But for Hinduism, I can take you to a library and show you hundreds of books. Hence, Hinduism is a scientific religion- called Sanatana Dharma. Reference:
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