Hinduism has founded basic principles for self, family, society and universe. The principles help in attaining harmony and their holistic development. I. Formation of life i.e. Panchbhoota Life on earth is made of five elements viz. Jal (water), Vayu (air), Prithvi (earth), Agni (fire) and Akash (space). According to Ayurveda and Yoga, Pancha Bhoota are associated with overall health of human being. Any disorder in human body indicates imbalance of one or more of these elements. II. Stages of life Life is divided four parts i.e. Ashrams viz. Brahamchariya (attaining knowledge), Grahast (marriage and developing children), Vanprasat (retirement age) and Sanyas (renunciation of material desires). III. Debts of life - Brahma rin, Dev rin, Rishi rin, Pitra rin
principle for family development - family systemWhat is the Principle:
January 2025