Kavacha is a Sanskrit word which means Armour. Devi Kavach is a collection of special 61 shlokas from the Markandey Purana and is part of the Durga Saptashati. This Kavacham (armour) protects the devotee in all parts of his body, in all places and in all difficulties. Every part of the body is mentioned and Devi, in all different forms, is being invoked for protection. It protects the devotee from the sufferings from all directions. Further the Goddess in various names and forms is glorified for happiness, wealth, health, power, and prosperity. It brings health, honor, wealth, and victory.
The Sanskrit Verses are mentioned at the bottom of this article. (It is recommended that before reading the chapter (1-13) of Sri Durga Saptashati, Kavacham, Argala and Keelkam should be recited. And after reading the chapter tantroktam Devi Suktam and Kshama Yachna should be done.) Nine forms of mother are expounded in Vedas. The nine forms mothers are:
One who remembers these nine mothers will not suffer even if he is burnt in fire, even if he has gone to war, even if he is very sad, even if he is terribly afraid of war. Anyone who remembers those names with devotion is also free of these fears and sorrows. The nine divine mothers - Kali (Chamunda), Varahi, Indrani, Vashnavi, Maheswari, Kumari, Lakshmi, Ishwari, Brahmi, ride on corpses, buffalo, Aira vat elephant, Garuda, Bull, Peacock, Lotus, Bull and Swan respectively are seen. All of them wear different types of ornaments and have different types of lusters, wear different type of gems and are seen on the chariots with very angry faces. They hold in their hands’ conch, mace, spear, plough, shield, tall spear, axe, trident, strong bow made of horns so that they can kill asuras, bless devotees and for the good of devas. (Shlokas 8-15) The devotee chants the mantras to protect oneself in all directions, for victory, for protection of entire body & parts – Hey strong Goddess, hey enthusiastic Goddess, hey goddess who removes fear of death, Hey Goddess who is extremely impossible to see and Hey Goddess, who increases the fear of your enemies, please protect us. (Shloka 16) Protection in all directions (Shlokas 17-19): Let Indrani (Power of Indra) protect me in the east, Agni (Female power of fire God, in the southeast, varahi (the power of varaha) in the south, Khadgadharini (She holds a sword), in the southwest, the power of Varuna (God of rain) in the west, the power of wind, in the northwest, Kaumari (the power of Lord Subrahmanya) in the north, Maheswari (The power of Lord Shiva) in the Northeast, Brahmani (Power of Lord Brahma) protect me at the top, Vaishnavi (Power of Vishnu) protect me below and let Chamunda who sits on a seat of Corpse thus protect me on all the ten sides. For Victory (Shlokas 20-21): Let Jaya (She who is Victory) stand before me, Vijaya (She who is always victorious) stand behind me, let Ajitha (She who cannot be won) stand to my left and Aparjitha (She who has never been defeated) stand on my right. Protection of entire body (Shlokas 21 to 41): Let Udhyothini (She who is ever prepared) protect my hair, Uma (goddess Parvati) my head, Maladhari (She who wears a garland) my forehead and Yasawini (She who is famous) my eye brows, Trinethra (She who has three eyes) the space between eye brows, Yamaganda (death to God of death) protect my nose, Sankhini (She who has a conch) the space between two eyes, Dwara Vasini (She who lives deep inside) my ears, Kalika (the black goddess) my cheeks, Sankari (Wife of Lord Parameshwara) the ear lobes, Sugandha (She who smells nice) the nose bridge, Charchiga (she who is above description) outside my mouth, lips be protected by Chandra Kala, (she who wears the crescent moon) Sarawati (Goddess of learning) my tongue, Kaumari (She who is a young girl) my teeth, chandika (she who cannot be measured) the middle of my neck, my throat be protected by Chitra Ganda(She who is picturesque), Mahamaya (great enchantress) the small tongue, Kamakshi(She who has attractive eyes) my beard, voice be protected by Sarva mangala. (She who gives all that is good), Bhadrakali (the black goddess who protects) my neck, Neelagreeva (the goddess who is blue) the back portion of my neck, Nalakoobari the neck joint, Khadgadharini (She who holds the sword) my shoulders, Vajradharini (She who holds Vajrayudha) my arms, dhandini (She who punishes) my hands, Ambika (she who is the mother of the world) protect my fingers, Sooleswari (she who holds the spear) protect my nails, Naleswari protect my abdomen, Mahadevi (The great goddess) protect my breasts and let Soka nasini (She who destroys sorrows) protect my mind, Lalitha (The goddess who is easy to attain) protect my heart, let Sooladharini (She who holds the trident) my stomach, Kamini (She who is lovable) protect my belly, Guhyeswari (She who is secret) protect my reproductive organs, sex organ be protected by Bhoothanada (She who is the ruler of all beings), my behind protected by Mahisha vahini, (She who rides on buffalo) my thighs by Bhagawathi (She who is the goddess), knees be protected by Vindhyavasini. (She who lives on Vindhya Mountains), my knee cap be protected by Mahabala (she who is very strong) who has been mentioned in the Vedas, the centre of the knee be protected by Vinayaki, (She who helps us carry out things without obstruction, the forelegs be protected by Narasimhi)(The female power of Lord Narasimha), the top of the feet be protected by Amithoujasi, the fingers of the feet be protected by Sreedhari (She who holds Maha lakshmi), the bottom of the feet by Thalavasini, Nails of the feet by Karali (She who is black with anger), hair all over the body by Oordhwakesi. (Goddess having long hair), the hair pores all over the body be protected by Kaubheri (The female power of the of Kubhera), skin be protected by Vagheeswari, (The goddess of words), Parvati (The daughter of the Mountain) protect my blood, flesh, juices bones and fat, my intestines be protected by Kala Rathri, (Goddess of Dark night) the bile be protected by Magudeswari, (Goddess who wears a crown, heart be protected by Padmavati (Goddess who sits on lotus), Choodamani (Goddess who is a great gem) protect my phlegm, the shine of my nails be protected by Jwalamukhi (She who has a face of a flame), all the joints be protected by Abhedya (She who cannot be injured), shadow be protected by Chatreswari (She who is like an umbrella) and Oh Brahmani (The female power of Lord Brahma) protect my semen, Dharmacharini (she walks on the path of Dharma), please protect my mind, intellect and my ego. Let the winds of the body viz. Prana, Apana, Vyana, Samana, Udhana. as well as fame, good name and wealth be protected by Chakreswari(She who wields the holy wheel). Hey Indrani(The female power of Lord Indra) protect my progeny and Hey Chandika (She who cannot be measured) protect my cows. Let Maha Lakshmi protect my sons, Let Bhairavi (Another name for Parvathy) protect my wife and let my way be protected by Kshemakari (She who looks after) who is victorious and lives everywhere. Whichever part does not have protection, let all those be protected by you goddess who is the greatest and who destroys sins. (Shloka 42) The one, who wishes all good to happen to him, should not walk a step without this Armour. One who travels to any direction protected by this armor will earn lot of money, get all sort of victory, and definitely get all his wishes fulfilled. The person will get unmatched wealth and all human beings that chant this will walk without fear, being victorious in all wars. (Shlokas 43-44) He who daily reads this Armour of the Goddess, which is even difficult for devas to obtain, in dawn, noon and dusk with devotion would be able to realize the goddess in person. He would live for one hundred years without getting defeated in all the three worlds with no untimely death in his family. This would destroy all the poxes. All the effects artificial poisons with temporary and permanent effects would be destroyed. All the black magic done in this world, and the bad spirits which travel on the earth and in the sky, which are made in water, which can be created and which hear the suggestions like Kulaja, Mala, Shakini and dakini, the terrible spirits which travel in the ether, the ghosts which reside in the home, yakshas, gandarwahas, Rakshasas, Brahmarakshasas, Vetalas Koosmandas and Bhairavis will be destroyed by the sight of such a man. (Shlokas 45-52) The king would honour him and for he will have the glitter of divine power and his fame will increase in this materialistic world. After reciting this Armour of the Goddess if one recites the “Devi Mahatmya (also called Chandi or Durga Sapthasathi) he would live in this world (Surrounded by forests and mountains) with sons and grandsons and in the end attain that salvation which even gods cannot get. (Shlokas 53-56) Thus ends the Armour of the Goddess. Reference: Kavcham, Sri Durga Saptashati, Markandaya Purana. ॥ अथ देवी कवचम् ॥ अस्य श्रीचण्डीकवचस्य ब्रह्मा ऋषिः , अनुष्टुप् छन्दः , चामुण्डा देवता , अङ्गन्यासोक्तमातरो बीजम् , दिग्बन्धदेवतास्तत्वम् , श्रीजगदम्बाप्रीत्यर्थे जपे विनियोगः । ॐ नमश्चण्डिकायै । मार्कण्डेय उवाच । ॐ यद्गुह्यं परमं लोके सर्वरक्षाकरं नृणाम् । यन्न कस्यचिदाख्यातं तन्मे ब्रूहि पितामह ॥ १॥ ब्रह्मोवाच । अस्ति गुह्यतमं विप्र सर्वभूतोपकारकम् । देव्यास्तु कवचं पुण्यं तच्छृणुष्व महामुने ॥ २॥ प्रथमं शैलपुत्रीति द्वितीयं ब्रह्मचारिणी । तृतीयं चन्द्रघण्टेति कूष्माण्डेति चतुर्थकम् ॥ ३॥ पञ्चमं स्कन्दमातेति षष्ठं कात्यायनी तथा । सप्तमं कालरात्रिश्च महागौरीति चाष्टमम् ॥ ४॥ नवमं सिद्धिदात्री च नवदुर्गाः प्रकीर्तिताः । उक्तान्येतानि नामानि ब्रह्मणैव महात्मना ॥ ५॥ अग्निना दह्यमानास्तु शत्रुमध्यगता रणे । विषमे दुर्गमे चैव भयार्ताः शरणं गताः ॥ ६। न तेषां जायते किञ्चिदशुभं रणसङ्कटे । आपदं न च पश्यन्ति शोकदुःखभयङ्करीम् ॥ ७॥ यैस्तु भक्त्या स्मृता नित्यं तेषां वृद्धिः प्रजायते । ये त्वां स्मरन्ति देवेशि रक्षसि तान्न संशयः ॥ ८॥ प्रेतसंस्था तु चामुण्डा वाराही महिषासना । ऐन्द्री गजसमारूढा वैष्णवी गरुडासना ॥ ९॥ नारसिंही महावीर्या शिवदूती महाबला । माहेश्वरी वृषारूढा कौमारी शिखिवाहना ॥ १०॥ लक्ष्मीः पद्मासना देवी पद्महस्ता हरिप्रिया । श्वेतरूपधरा देवी ईश्वरी वृषवाहना ॥ ११॥ ब्राह्मी हंससमारूढा सर्वाभरणभूषिता । इत्येता मातरः सर्वाः सर्वयोगसमन्विताः ॥ १२॥ नानाभरणशोभाढ्या नानारत्नोपशोभिताः । श्रैष्ठैश्च मौक्तिकैः सर्वा दिव्यहारप्रलम्बिभिः ॥ १३॥ इन्द्रनीलैर्महानीलैः पद्मरागैः सुशोभनैः । दृश्यन्ते रथमारूढा देव्यः क्रोधसमाकुलाः ॥ १४॥ शङ्खं चक्रं गदां शक्तिं हलं च मुसलायुधम् । खेटकं तोमरं चैव परशुं पाशमेव च ॥ १५॥ कुन्तायुधं त्रिशूलं च शार्ङ्गमायुधमुत्तमम् । दैत्यानां देहनाशाय भक्तानामभयाय च ॥ १६॥ धारयन्त्यायुधानीत्थं देवानां च हिताय वै । नमस्तेऽस्तु महारौद्रे महाघोरपराक्रमे ॥ १७॥ महाबले महोत्साहे महाभयविनाशिनि । त्राहि मां देवि दुष्प्रेक्ष्ये शत्रूणां भयवर्धिनि ॥ १८॥ प्राच्यां रक्षतु मामैन्द्री आग्नेय्यामग्निदेवता । दक्षिणेऽवतु वाराही नैरृत्यां खड्गधारिणी ॥ १९॥ प्रतीच्यां वारुणी रक्षेद्वायव्यां मृगवाहिनी । उदीच्यां पातु कौबेरी ईशान्यां शूलधारिणी ॥ २०॥ ऊर्ध्वं ब्रह्माणी मे रक्षेदधस्ताद्वैष्णवी तथा । एवं दश दिशो रक्षेच्चामुण्डा शववाहना ॥ २१॥ जया मामग्रतः पातु विजया पातु पृष्ठतः । अजिता वामपार्श्वे तु दक्षिणे चापराजिता ॥ २२॥ शिखां मे द्योतिनी रक्षेदुमा मूर्ध्नि व्यवस्थिता । मालाधरी ललाटे च भ्रुवौ रक्षेद्यशस्विनी ॥ २३॥ नेत्रयोश्चित्रनेत्रा च यमघण्टा तु पार्श्वके । त्रिनेत्रा च त्रिशूलेन भ्रुवोर्मध्ये च चण्डिका ॥ २४॥ शङ्खिनी चक्षुषोर्मध्ये श्रोत्रयोर्द्वारवासिनी । कपोलौ कालिका रक्षेत् कर्णमूले तु शङ्करी ॥ २५॥ नासिकायां सुगन्धा च उत्तरोष्ठे च चर्चिका । अधरे चामृताबाला जिह्वायां च सरस्वती ॥ २६॥ दन्तान् रक्षतु कौमारी कण्ठदेशे तु चण्डिका । घण्टिकां चित्रघण्टा च महामाया च तालुके ॥ २७॥ कामाक्षी चिबुकं रक्षेद्वाचं मे सर्वमङ्गला । ग्रीवायां भद्रकाली च पृष्ठवंशे धनुर्धरी ॥ २८॥ नीलग्रीवा बहिः कण्ठे नलिकां नलकूबरी । स्कन्धयोः खड्गिनी रक्षेद् बाहू मे वज्रधारिणी ॥ २९॥ हस्तयोर्दण्डिनी रक्षेदम्बिका चाङ्गुलीषु च । नखाञ्छूलेश्वरी रक्षेत् कुक्षौ रक्षेन्नरेश्वरी ॥ ३०॥ स्तनौ रक्षेन्महादेवी मनःशोकविनाशिनी । हृदये ललिता देवी उदरे शूलधारिणी ॥ ३१॥ नाभौ च कामिनी रक्षेद् गुह्यं गुह्येश्वरी तथा । मेढ्रं रक्षतु दुर्गन्धा पायुं मे गुह्यवाहिनी ॥ ३२॥ कट्यां भगवती रक्षेदूरू मे मेघवाहना । जङ्घे महाबला रक्षेत् जानू माधवनायिका ॥ ३३॥ गुल्फयोर्नारसिंही च पादपृष्ठे तु कौशिकी । पादाङ्गुलीः श्रीधरी च तलं पातालवासिनी ॥ ३४॥ नखान् दंष्ट्रकराली च केशांश्चैवोर्ध्वकेशिनी । रोमकूपेषु कौमारी त्वचं योगीश्वरी तथा ॥ ३५॥ रक्तमज्जावसामांसान्यस्थिमेदांसि पार्वती । अन्त्राणि कालरात्रिश्च पित्तं च मुकुटेश्वरी ॥ ३६॥ पद्मावती पद्मकोशे कफे चूडामणिस्तथा । ज्वालामुखी नखज्वालामभेद्या सर्वसन्धिषु ॥ ३७॥ शुक्रं ब्रह्माणी मे रक्षेच्छायां छत्रेश्वरी तथा । अहङ्कारं मनो बुद्धिं रक्षेन्मे धर्मधारिणी ॥ ३८॥ प्राणापानौ तथा व्यानमुदानं च समानकम् । वज्रहस्ता च मे रक्षेत् प्राणान् कल्याणशोभना ॥ ३९॥ रसे रूपे च गन्धे च शब्दे स्पर्शे च योगिनी । सत्त्वं रजस्तमश्चैव रक्षेन्नारायणी सदा ॥ ४०॥ आयू रक्षतु वाराही धर्मं रक्षतु पार्वती । यशः कीर्तिं च लक्ष्मीं च सदा रक्षतु वैष्णवी ॥ ४१॥ गोत्रमिन्द्राणी मे रक्षेत् पशून् रक्षेच्च चण्डिका । पुत्रान् रक्षेन्महालक्ष्मीर्भार्यां रक्षतु भैरवी ॥ ४२॥ धनेश्वरी धनं रक्षेत् कौमारी कन्यकां तथा । पन्थानं सुपथा रक्षेन्मार्गं क्षेमङ्करी तथा ॥ ४३॥ राजद्वारे महालक्ष्मीर्विजया सतत स्थिता । रक्षाहीनं तु यत् स्थानं वर्जितं कवचेन तु ॥ ४४॥ तत्सर्वं रक्ष मे देवि जयन्ती पापनाशिनी । सर्वरक्षाकरं पुण्यं कवचं सर्वदा जपेत् ॥ ४५॥ इदं रहस्यं विप्रर्षे भक्त्या तव मयोदितम् ॥ पादमेकं न गच्छेत् तु यदीच्छेच्छुभमात्मनः ॥ ४६॥ कवचेनावृतो नित्यं यत्र यत्रैव गच्छति । तत्र तत्रार्थलाभश्व विजयः सार्वकालिकः ॥ ४७॥ यं यं चिन्तयते कामं तं तं प्राप्नोति निश्चितम् । परमैश्वर्यमतुलं प्राप्स्यते भूतले पुमान् ॥ ४८॥ निर्भयो जायते मर्त्यः सङ्ग्रामेष्वपराजितः । त्रैलोक्ये तु भवेत्पूज्यः कवचेनावृतः पुमान् ॥ ४९॥ इदं तु देव्याः कवचं देवानामपि दुर्लभम् । यः पठेत्प्रयतो नित्यं त्रिसन्ध्यं श्रद्धयान्वितः ॥ ५०॥ दैवीकला भवेत्तस्य त्रैलोक्ये चापराजितः । जीवेद्वर्षशतं साग्रमपमृत्युविवर्जितः ॥ ५१॥ नश्यन्ति व्याधयः सर्वे लूताविस्फोटकादयः । स्थावरं जङ्गमं चैव कृत्रिमं चैव यद्विषम् ॥ ५२॥ अभिचाराणि सर्वाणि मन्त्रयन्त्राणि भूतले । भूचराः खेचराश्चैव कुलजाश्चौपदेशिकाः ॥ ५३॥ सहजा कुलजा माला डाकिनी शाकिनी तथा । अन्तरिक्षचरा घोरा डाकिन्यश्च महारवाः ॥ ५४॥ ग्रहभूतपिशाचाश्च यक्षगन्धर्वराक्षसाः । ब्रह्मराक्षसवेतालाः कूष्माण्डा भैरवादयः ॥ ५५॥ नश्यन्ति दर्शनात्तस्य कवचेनावृतो हि यः । मानोन्नतिर्भवेद्राज्ञस्तेजोवृद्धिः परा भवेत् ॥ ५६॥ यशोवृद्धिर्भवेत् पुंसां कीर्तिवृद्धिश्च जायते । तस्मात् जपेत् सदा भक्तः कवचं कामदं मुने ॥ ५७॥ जपेत् सप्तशतीं चण्डीं कृत्वा तु कवचं पुरा । निर्विघ्नेन भवेत् सिद्धिश्चण्डीजपसमुद्भवा ॥ ५८॥ यावद्भूमण्डलं धत्ते सशैलवनकाननम् । तावत्तिष्ठति मेदिन्यां सन्ततिः पुत्रपौत्रिकी ॥ ५९॥ देहान्ते परमं स्थानं सुरैरपि सुदुर्लभम् । प्राप्नोति पुरुषो नित्यं महामायाप्रसादतः ॥ ६०॥ तत्र गच्छति गत्वासौ पुनश्चागमनं नहि । लभते परमं स्थानं शिवेन समतां व्रजेत् ॥ ६१॥ ॥ इति श्रीमार्कण्डेयपुराणे हरिहरब्रह्मविरचितं देवीकवचं समाप्तम् ॥
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