Sri Rama, the Almighty
Sri Rama is the most popular symbol of magnanimity and virtue. Swami Vivekananda mentioned that Sri Rama is "the embodiment of truth, of morality, the ideal son, the ideal husband, and above all, the ideal king." He is seen as an embodiment of perfection. He led by example. It is said, “Name of Rama is bigger than Rama himself”. The fact lies in the word "Rama" which is made up of two spores (bijakshara), "Agni Beej" and "Amrit Beej". These letters provide strength to the mind, body and soul. The article aims to highlight, whether Sri was Purna Avatara (Incarnation); When Worship of Sri Rama heightened; Why Sri Rama called as Maryada Purushottam; Whether Sri Rama was a Man of Modern Management etc. Whether Sri Rama was Purna Avatara (Incarnation): He was incarnation of Sri Vishnu Bhagwan. Narad ji has described sixty four virtues of Sri Rama to Valmiki ji in Bal kand. A few virtues are one who controls his mind, most powerful, most brilliant, most tolerant, with control over senses, intelligent, virtuous, orator, knower of Dharma, protector of living, and one who is truthful in his resolutions. He displayed unequaled qualities labeled as noble, generous, ethical, fearless, simple, respectful to others etc. He never lied. Some people say he was not Purna Avatar but Maryada Purushottam Bhagwan Rama. Sri Nimbarkacharya, the exponent of Dvaitadvaita philosophy who lived during 12–13th century, sub-divided the incarnations into two categories viz. Amsarupavataras (Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Vamna etc.), when He manifests them only partially and Purnavataras (Sri Narsimha, Sri Rama and Sri Krishna) when all the qualities & powers of God are manifested. But Sri Madhvaharya, the exponent of Dvaita philosophy who lived during 1238-1317, holds that there is no difference between these incarnations. They are all His Svarupamasas or expression of His entire nature. Why Sri Rama called as Maryada Purushottam: Sri Rama was born in human form and experienced, what an ordinary human being undergo during his lifetime i.e. the pleasures and pains. He is labeled as Maryada Purushottam. Maryada Purushottam is a Sanskrit phrase in which "Maryada" translates to "honor and righteousness", and "Purushottam" translates to "the supreme man". He never transgressed the human and social life. He lived always in Maryada (limitation) such as kept the vow of one wife, stick to what he has said. His life reflects an ideal way of living as a student, a householder, a king, a father, a son, a husband, a disciple. He always followed orders of parents, Guru and saints.
Whether Sri Rama was a Man of Modern Management, Yes: Modern Management has provided “SWOT Analysis” as a tool for strategic planning of organizations or situations. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Strengths and weaknesses are internal over which one has some control and opportunities and threats are external over which one has little or no control. Strengths and opportunities are favorable and weaknesses and threats unfavorable. The life story of Sri Rama is living lesson for one and all, how he turned weaknesses into strengths and threats into opportunities. Turn Weaknesses into Strength – For a leader, “leading by Example” is best way to set the tone for others. In absence of resources during 14 years exile, he displayed leadership qualities as under:
Turned Threat into Opportunities
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