Human personality is of triple qualities (Trigunatmic) viz. Satvika, Rajasika & Tamasika. Satvika (सात्विक) person refers to one who is full of purity (sattva). Satvika attribute is intellectual, pure, strong, healthy, possessing long life and equanimity. Rajasik quality manifests emotional, passionate, fiery and restless. Tamasik quality is evident as vegetative, lustful, ignorant and dull (comparable to dumb-witted, whose extreme form would be mental retardation). Everybody is mixture of the three qualities in different proportions and at different timings. This world remains in the continuous illusion with rajasa and tamasa natures. Men born with the satvika nature of goodness like yourself, easily lay aside this inveterate illusion, as a snake casts off its time-worn skin (slough). Absolute Satvik nature leads to liberation from re-birth.
Absolute fearlessness, perfect purity of mind, constant fixity in the Yoga of meditation and knowledge for the sake of Self-realization, and even so, charity in its Sattvika form, control of the senses, austerity, worship of God and other deities as well as of one’s elders including the performance of Agnihotra (pouring oblations into the sacred fire) and other sacred duties, study and teaching of the Vedas and other sacred books as well as the chanting of God’s names and glories, suffering hardships for the discharge of one’s sacred obligations and uprightness of mind as well as of the body and senses. Non-violence in thought, word and deed, truthfulness and geniality of speech, absence of anger even on provocation, disclaiming doer-ship in respect of actions (renunciation), peacefulness/quietude or composure of mind, abstaining from slander or crookedness, compassion towards all creatures, absence of attachment to the objects of senses even during their contact with the senses, gentleness, modesty, a sense of shame in transgressing the scriptures or social conventions, and abstaining from frivolous pursuits; Sublimity, forgiveness, fortitude, external purity, bearing enmity to none i.e. absence of hatred, absence of fickleness (indecisiveness), Vigour, and absence of self-esteem/pride these are the marks of him, who is born with the divine endowments or Satvik attributes. Triple qualities of Human Nature:
Instincts or Tendencies: Sage Patanjali in Yoga sutras explained the all the afflictions causing all sufferings in our life are classified into five types. (अविद्यास्मितारागद्वेषाभिनिवेशाः क्लेशाः ||2/3) These are:
Divine Qualities: Bhagwan Shree Krishna in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita (verses 1-3 of Chapter 16) described godly divine possessions in detail about our harmony, virtue and good tendencies as follows: (अभयं सत्त्वसंशुद्धिर्ज्ञानयोगव्यवस्थितिः । दानं दमश्च यज्ञश्च स्वाध्यायस्तप आर्जवम् ॥ 16.1॥ अहिंसा सत्यमक्रोधस्त्यागः शान्तिरपैशुनम् । दया भूतेष्वलोलुप्त्वं मार्दवं ह्रीरचापलम् ॥ 16.2॥ तेजः क्षमा धृतिः शौचमद्रोहो नातिमानिता । भवन्ति सम्पदं दैवीमभिजातस्य भारत ॥ 16.3॥)
Bhavanti Sampada Divimbhijatasya Bharat: (भवन्ति सम्पदं दैवीमभिजातस्य भारतः) - Shree Krishna says to Arjuna that all these divine virtues are good. From them, the goal of attaining God is achieved. These qualities are obtained only by the grace of God. If we consider these qualities to be personal, then pride comes, which is a symptom of demonic wealth. There is no pride when this is a divine quality. There is exclusive love in God.
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October 2024